10FT USB 2.0 Cable/Cord for HP PSC 1410 1510 printer 10 Feet [Electronics]
You looking to find the "10FT USB 2.0 Cable/Cord for HP PSC 1410 1510 printer 10 Feet [Electronics]" Good news! You can purchase 10FT USB 2.0 Cable/Cord for HP PSC 1410 1510 printer 10 Feet [Electronics] with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.Product Description
10 foot long USB cable; male connectors. Standard type-A (computer) connector at one end, standard type-B (printer) connector on opposite end. Suitable for many newer USB compatible printers, both laser and ink-jet. Black cable and connectors
Product Details
- Brand: Unknown
- Connector A: USB 2.0, Connector B: USB, Length: 3 m (10 Feet), Color: Black
- Package Includes: One USB A to USB B Cable for PC / Notebook / Printer / Digital Cameras / Scanners
- Standard type-A (computer) connector at one end, standard type-B (printer) connector on opposite end
- Suitable for many newer USB compatible printers, both laser and ink-jet
- Black cable and connectors
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